The WiDS Datathon 2024 Challenges themed Equity in Healthcare is a predictive analytics challenge hosted on Kaggle. These challenges are designed for all data science enthusiasts who are discovering or building their data skills. Participants will develop a model to predict if the time for a patient to receive their first treatment for their diagnoses is within a certain length of time.
WiDS TT Datathon Workshop & Regional Events

The WiDS Trinidad & Tobago is hosting virtual workshops and regional events in support of the international WiDS Datathon Challenge 2024, using data to tell a story. The main goals are:

  • to provide data science enthusiasts with the necessary knowledge, resources and tools to assist in the international WiDS Datathon challenge and beyond
  • to promote awareness about data science experiences from the female perspective, featuring women in data science-related fields in academia and industry
WiDS TT Datathon Workshop
Workshop 1 (Virtual) – Saturday 27th Jan 2024 – 1 00 pm AST
Title: Data Science Essentials: What? Why? How?
This interactive workshop will provide a beginner’s guide to Data Science: What is it? Why is it used? How is it used? Participants will also be given an overview of the WiDS 2024 Datathon Challenge “Equity in Healthcare.”
Presenter/s – Dr. Letetia Addison
Workshop 2 (Virtual) – Saturday 3rd Feb 2024 – 1 00 pm AST
Title: Data Science Tools – Where do we start?
This interactive workshop will cover the basics of data science software tools. Participants will learn how to apply various programming tools/data analysis software to a health-related data set, with references to R, Python, MATLAB, MS Excel, and IBM SPSS.
Presenter/s – Ms. Malini Ramberran
Workshop 3 (Virtual) – Saturday 10th Feb 2024 – 1 00 pm AST
Title: Data Visualisation Techniques – How does my data look?
This interactive workshop will cover the basics of effective data visualizations. Participants will learn how to clean data and create relevant charts and graphs to visualise a health-care related data set.
Presenter/s – Ms. Gabrielle Agrocostea, Ms. Gigi Kenneth
Workshop 4 (Virtual) – Saturday 17th Feb 2024 – 1 00 pm AST
Title: Data Analysis – How to build a statistical model?
This interactive workshop will cover the basics of data analysis. Participants will learn how to use statistical methods (classification and regression) to analyze data and interpret the results based on a health-care related data set.
Presenter/s – Ms. Julie Koon Koon, Ms. Shannon-Rae Hackett
Workshop 5 (Virtual) – Saturday 24th Feb 2024 – 1 00 pm AST
Title: Data Stories – How to present data for reporting?
This interactive workshop will teach participants how to present their data in a clear and concise manner. They will learn how to create effective presentations and how to communicate their findings to a non-technical audience.
Presenter/s: Ms. Kirstin Sylvester
WiDS TT Regional Events
Fireside Chat – Saturday 2nd Mar 2024 – 1 00 pm AST
Title: Women In Data Science Inspiring Inclusion
International Women’s Day 2024 celebrated in March is themed ‘Inspiring Inclusion.’ This Fireside Chat is an interactive panel discussion which celebrates diverse women in data science-related fields in academia and industry around the globe, promoting awareness about their experiences and perspectives.
What can you expect?
  • Insightful discussions on navigating the data science landscape, as well as challenges and triumphs faced.
  • Practical advice on kick starting and advancing your career.
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded professionals in the field.
WiDS TT 2024 Leaderboard
The Women in Data Science (WiDS) Datathon Challenge 2024 was themed ” Equity in Healthcare”. ​Participants were provided with a real-world dataset sponsored by Gilead Sciences, which contained ​information about demographics, diagnosis and treatment options, as well as insurance provided about ​patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer from 2015-2018.
1st Place: Team J3T (Johnny Tiu, Rainah Khan, Malini Ramberan & Riana Kandhai) – $1,000 USD
2nd Place: Team Data Learners (Videsh Jaghai & Shannon Walker) – $600 USD
3rd Place: Team Kelvos (Kevin Baboolal, Nicholas Smith, Aliyah Hamid & Julie Koon-Koon) – $400 USD

Global participation involved over 25, 500 entries among 4,000 competitors spanning 100 countries. ​Locally 6 teams participated with a total of 21 Participants – 14 females and 7 males.

For more worldwide event highlights see here.

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