Lesley-Ann Jurawan

Lesley-Ann Jurawan


As a 2025 WiDSTT contributor with a diverse background in education, data analytics, and business management, Lesley-Ann is dedicated to making data science accessible, impactful, and fun for everyone! She holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Waterloo and a master’s degree in SME Management from the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business, University of the West Indies. Lesley-Ann is an active member of the TTLAB Data Science research group. She has a unique interest in applying machine learning within the local cocoa sector, having been deeply involved in the bean-to-bar chocolate business over the years. Coming from an early career in teaching Math and IT, Lesley-Ann firmly believes in the potential of data science to inspire girls to pursue STEM, thanks to its diverse and far-reaching applications.

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