Videsh Jagai initially embarked as a participant alongside Team Buddies on his first WiDS Datathon Theme :Adapting to Climate Change by Improving Extreme Weather Forecasts 2023 achieving 2nd locally placing 189th on the global leaderboard.

Then elevated as WIDS Mentor positioned Team Leader: Data Learners for second WIDS Datathon Theme :”Equity in Healthcare” 2024 achieving 2nd locally placing 165th on the global leaderboard.

Videsh Jagai, a recent graduate of the University of West Indies with Upper-Second Class Honors BSc in Computer Science and Business Management (Special) from the University of West Indies. He was awarded a virtual PyData Global Impact Scholarship Program 2023 focusing on the Data Science/ Artificial Intelligence (AI) job market and the Open Source Contribution ecosystem respectively. Additionally he has been involved in various projects including ongoing mobile AI-based Picture Translation application that evokes Object Detection from Google Cloud vision API to recognise the object along-with Text detection from Google vision API to recognise the text respectively. He has an affinity for Data Science projects.

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